Bounced Checks in QBO
Did your customer's check payment bounce? Did your own check payment bounce? Here's how to manage Bounced Checks in QuickBooks Online.
Course Description
Bounced Checks can be tricky to manage in QuickBooks Online. There are no menu items for managing the repayments. Here's everything you need to know.
This tip is part of our full video training course, "QuickBooks Tricky Situations"! Click here to "check" it out!
What You’ll Learn in this class
- How to work with your bounced checks
- How to work with your customers bounced checks
- Getting help when you need it
Instructional LevelBeginner to Intermediate
Course Length1 hour
Course Credits1 CPE, Certificate of Completion
Field of StudyAccounting/Bookkeeping Delivery MethodQAS/Self Study Suggested PrerequisitesWho should take this class?
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Course Updated: December 2021
Here is the course outline:
1. Your Bounced Checks in QBOWatch the video. 1 section
2. When a Customer Bounces a CheckWatch the video 1 section