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iPhones and iPads

What's New in iOS 16

For someone else
Jamie Pollock
For someone else
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Your iPhone & iPad have a brand new operating system, iOS 16! With dozens of new features, this cutting edge technology just keeps getting better (if you know how to use it effectively).

What's New in iOS 16 Live Webinar with Jamie

Sometimes it can feel as though Apple comes out with a new operating system update every month.

No one would blame you for feeling frustrated by this if you just got used to the old way of doing things, but there is always a good reason for the changes Apple makes.

Maybe the update patches a security vulnerability and the new version makes you safer.

Maybe there is a user interface change that will end up making your device easier to use once you learn how.

Or maybe they just added some fun new features that make your devices even more enjoyable to use.

Whatever the reason, the constant change is a feature, not a bug, and it’s not likely to end anytime soon.

The best course of action is to accept it as part of life and embrace it.

My “What’s New in iOS 16” course helps you do just that.

In this course we’ll take a look at what is different so you aren’t overwhelmed with the changes, and we’ll also go deep into the fun new things you can do with your iPhone or iPad.

For a frustration-free Apple update experience, enroll in “What’s New in iOS 16” right now.

What You’ll Learn

  • Lock Screen improvements
  • Focus features and how they interact with the new Lock Screen
  • Changes to the Messages app including editing and deleting messages
  • New changes in Safari and Mail
  • Passkeys
  • Intelligence - Live Text and lifting images out of pictures
  • Dictation, Apple Pay, Wallet, Maps, Home
  • Health and Fitness, Family Sharing
  • Privacy and Security
  • Much more…..


Instructional Level


Course Length

1 hour

Course Credits

Certificate of Completion

Field of Study


Delivery Method

QAS/Self Study/Blended

Who should take this class?

  • Mac users with iPhones and iPads who have upgraded to iOS 16, or are about to switch.


Here is the course outline:

1. Download the Handout

Download the handout that goes with the course.

Download the handout here

2. What's New in iOS 16 - Watch the Recordings

This is the recording of the class you attended. Watch and rewatch it until it all makes sense!

Introduction and how to check which iOS Version you have
Lifting Subjects from Photos
New Lock Screen Features
Notification Center Updates
Customizable Mode Screens
Updated Family Share Options for Photos
New iMessage Features: Edit Message, Unsend, Etc.,
New Mail Features: Remind, Schedule, Search, Unsend
Safari Updates: Share Tab Groups, Extensions, Passkeys
Intelligence and Other New Features

3. Quiz

Did you watch the video or take the class live? Let us know here so that you can receive a Certificate of Achievement, an award badge, and points in the Wisdom Quest!

Apple Course Participation


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Royalwise CPE Certificate