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Apple Training

Zoom: How to Meet Over the Internet

For someone else
Jamie Pollock
For someone else
Enroll is the easiest software to use for virtual meetings, both business and personal. You can join in a few clicks, see and hear everyone, and even share your screen. In this free course you'll download the Zoom app, take a tour of the features, and attend your first meeting!

Course Description

Zoom is a powerful yet easy to use virtual meeting and webinar tool. Why leave your house, when you can hold face-to-face business meetings, attend trainings, and have happy hours with friends? Stay connected with friends, family, and work over the internet! 


Jamie will show you how to use an easy virtual meeting/webinar tool called This is a free class to show you how to download and install the software, connect to a meeting or webinar, and talk to the people there!

Instructional Level

Beginner through Advanced

Course Length

2 hours


  • A high-speed internet connect.
  • Computer with a webcam and microphone (or telephone). 

Who should take this course?

  •   Everyone

What You’ll Learn

    • How to download and install Zoom
    • How to join a meeting or webinar
    • How to talk and share your screen with others

Can't Make this Class? 

Here is the course outline:

1. Instructions

Click here to view instructions on how to download Zoom, get a bonus scholarship, and tip your instructor.

Downloading and Installing Zoom
Please donate!
Thank YOU! Click here for a bonus offer!

2. Download the Handout

Download the handout that goes with the course.

Download the handout here

3. Watch the Videos

Click to watch the video recordings from these live events.

Watch Video: How to Meet Online Using Zoom: The Training Webinar
Watch Video: Practice Lab: Practice a Meeting 4/3/20
Watch Video: Practice Lab: Practice a Meeting 3/27/20
Watch Video: Practice Lab: Practice a Meeting 3/20/20
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