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Macs (iMacs and MacBooks)

macOS: System Preferences

For someone else
Jamie Pollock
For someone else
Purchase for $37 or enter access code

System Preferences are the settings on your Apple iMac or MacBook. Learn to adjust your settings to make your computer behave exactly how you want it to.

macOS System Preferences Course Description

System Preferences is an application within the macOS operating system that allows users to change various settings depending on their preferences.


But if you are afraid you are going to mess up your computer if you mess with the settings, you need to take this course.


Or perhaps you are looking to learn how to maximize utility and efficiency??? Take this class!


We'll walk you through exactly what each of the Preferences does, and how to customize your machine so it looks and behaves just like an extension of your own personality and work style. We’ll cover everything from screensavers to displays to printers to Accessibility options.


Sign up now and soon your computer will work just like you want it to!

Instructional Level

Beginner through Advanced

Course Length

1 hour


Owning an Apple computer

Who should take this macOS System Preferences class?

  • Mac users who know they’re only scratching the surface.
  • Mac users who would like to customize their computer so it works the way they want it to.

What should you bring?

A Macintosh computer 

What You’ll Learn

  • How to adjust your scrollbars
  • Dock settings
  • Changing your desktop picture and screensaver
  • Mission Control
  • Security settings
  • Notifications settings
  • Energy saver
  • Adjusting your mouse
  • Trackpad gestures
  • Setting up printers
  • iCloud and Email settings
  • Network settings
  • Parental Controls
  • Dictation and Speech setup



Here is the course outline:

1. Download the Handout

Download the handout that goes with the course.

Download the handout here

2. Watch the Recordings: macOS System Preferences

You watch any or all of these videos as many times as you need to. Be sure to join Jamie and follow along to learn how to navigate and adjust your system's preferences. You'll learn all about Apple's System Preferences, and how to best utilize these settings to customize your Mac.

Apple ID and Family Sharing Preferences
The Dock, Menu Bar, Mission Control Preferences, SIRI, Spotlight, and Notifications Preferences
Internet Accounts, Users, and Groups Preferences
Accessibility, Screen Time, and Extensions
Privacy, Security Setting, and Software (macOS) Updates
Network, Bluetooth, Sound, and Printers
Keyboard, Trackpad, Mouse, Display, Sidecar, Date and Time
Sharing, Time Machine, Start Up Disk, Profiles, 3rd Party Utilities Settings and Preferences
General Display and Desktop & Screen Saver Preferences

3. Take The Quiz

Quiz description is "Did you watch the video or take the class live? Let us know here so that you can receive a Certificate of Achievement, an award badge, and points in the Wisdom Quest!

Participation Quiz


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Royalwise CPE Certificate