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QuickBooks® Training Library: The KnOWLedge Base

OWLS Portal Tour

Jamie Pollock

Hello & welcome to the Royalwise OWLS (On-demand Web-based Learning Solution) platform. I’m Jamie. Come with me on this one hour tour of our learning portal.

What You’ll Learn

  • Sign in to the Royalwise OWLS Learning Portal
  • Enroll in any class by navigating the Flight Paths
  • Find previously completed courses
  • Downloading Handouts
  • Watching Class On-Demand Videos
  • Getting help by accessing the Discussion Forums to get your questions answered
  • Messages and Notifications within the Portal
  • Managing Your subscription

Class Description

Hello and welcome to the Royalwise OWLS (On-Demand Web-based Learning Solution)  platform. I’m Jamie, come with me on this one hour tour of our learning portal.

Learn to enroll in classes using flight paths, easily find your in-progress and completed classes, take control of communications with messages and notifications, and get some much-needed peer support in the Royalwise discussion groups and community forums.

Take the Royalwise OWLS portal tour and make learning a hoot!



Instructional Level


Course Length

1 hour

Field of Study

Computer Applications and Software

Delivery Method

QAS/Self Study


Currently enrolled as a Subscribed Member of the Royalwise OWLS.

Who should take this class?

Royalwise OWLS Member who want to know more about how to utilize our learning portal..



Evergreen Content

You'll have lifetime access to the on-demand course including all handouts and class material, including future updates. You'll also be able to ask questions in the Q&A forum and get answers, even years later. You can pause, rewind, speed up, and watch again later as you apply what you learn to each situation as it crops up.

Here is the course outline:

1. Download the Handout

Download the handout that goes with the course.

Download the handout here

2. Watch the Recording

This is the recording of the class you attended. Watch and rewatch it until it all makes sense!

Welcome to the OWLS Portal: Logging in
Exploring Your Dashboard aka The Home Page
Enrolled Tab, Flight Path Tab, and Completed Tab
How to Navigate Around Inside Your Courses
Communities, Groups, and Discussions
Managing Messages and Notifications - Stay Connected!
Calendar of Events
Navigating through the Catalog
The Wisdom Quest. Earn Points!
Update Your Profile and Info
Managing Your Subscription, Including Payment Details

3. Take The Quiz

Quiz description is "Did you watch the video or take the class live? Let us know here so that you can receive a Certificate of Achievement, an award badge, and points in the Wisdom Quest!

Participation Quiz


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Royalwise CPE Certificate
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