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Business & Productivity

WordPress Course

For someone else
Jamie Pollock
For someone else
Purchase for $39 or enter access code

WordPress allows you to quickly create your own website or publish a blog. This course will discuss software installation, how to make basic blog entries, how to create static (non-changing) pages, and installing plug-ins for added functionality.

WordPress Course Description:

WordPress allows you to quickly create your own website or publish a blog. This course will discuss software installation, how to make basic blog entries, how to create static (non-changing) pages, and installing plug-ins for added functionality.


Instructional Level

Beginner through Intermediate 

Course Length

2 hours 

Course Credits

2 CPE, Certificate of Completion


  • No prerequisite knowledge needed.
  • HTML knowledge helpful.


Who should take this WordPress class?

  •   People who want to write a blog
  •   Businesses who want to maintain their own website

What You’ll Learn 

  • Creating a WordPress account
  • Installing WordPress into your own domain
  • Choosing a theme
  • Designing your Home page
  • Creating blog posts
  • Creating pages
  • Creating a menu
  • Finding and installing plugins



Here is the course outline:

1. Download the Handout

Download the handout that goes with the course.

Download the handout here

2. Watch the Video: Intro to WordPress

WordPress allows you to quickly create your own website or publish a blog. This course will discuss software installation, how to make basic blog entries, how to create static (non-changing) pages, and installing plug-ins for added functionality.

Watch Video: Intro to WordPress

3. Take the Quiz

Take this quiz to demonstrate your mastery of the material. Pass the quiz with an 80% or higher to complete the Course, earn your Certificate, and win points!

Participation Quiz


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Royalwise CPE Certificate
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