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Using Google Slides

For someone else
Alicia Katz Pollock
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Use the free Google Slides instead of Microsoft PowerPoint. Create slide decks, formal presentations, collaborate in real time, and import/export to other software.

Using Google Slides Course Description

Google apps is an online web-based suite of business apps that parallel Microsoft Office. Slides is Google’s presentation builder, like MS PowerPoint.  Take this class to learn how to use Slides to create your own presentations, share them with others, and import/export them with MS PowerPoint, Keynote, and more.


Instructional Level

Beginner through Intermediate. 

Course Length

1.75 hours 

Field of Study


Delivery Method

QAS/Self Study

Class Credits

1.75 CPE, Certificate of Completion


A google account.

Who should take this Using Google Slides class?

  • Business owners and employees who leverage Google Slides for their business documents.
  • People who are familiar with MS PowerPoint but need to make the switch. 


What You’ll Learn 

  • Moving around in a document
  • Editing your document 
  • Formatting
  • Plus, you’ll learn valuable tips and tricks to shave time off your daily tasks. 
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Answer your specific questions.
  • Plus, you’ll learn valuable tips and tricks to shave time off your daily tasks.

For more information regarding concerns, refunds, and program cancellation policies, visit our Terms and Conditions.

Here is the course outline:

1. Download the Handout

Download the handout that goes with the course.

Download the handout here

2. Watch the Videos: Google Slides - Getting Started

G Suite is Google's online web-based suite of business apps that parallel Microsoft Office. Slides is Google’s presentation, like PowerPoint. Take this class to learn how to use Slides to create your own presentation, share them with others, and import/export them with Excel.

Google Slides - Introduction and Agenda
Google Drive and Google Slides
Starting a New File

3. Google Slides: The Interface and Toolbars

This section will go over all the Menus, Toolbars, and other features you should be familiar with to efficiently use Google Slides.

Menus, Toolbars, File Management, Present, Share Button
Main, Speaker Notes, Thumbnail Views, Rulers
Preferences - Hoot Tip!

4. The Slides Menu: Designing Your Presentations

Alicia explores and demonstrates all the features within the Slide menu, how to format your slides, including spacing, aligning, bullets, numbering, and more. Be sure to watch these videos again and again until you've mastered these steps!

Silde Menu
Formatting Text
Format Align and Indent
Bullets and Numbering
Formatting Options

5. The Insert Menu: Adding Elements to your Presentation

The Insert menu dresses up your slides and presentation by adding graphics and objects. Watch these videos and learn how to insert images, tables, and infographics.

Inserting Images
Editing Images
Inserting and Editing Tables

6. Google Slides: Animations

Animating your slides and your presentation can really help focal points for your audience. Alicia shows you how to animate your slides, while maintaining balance and not over-doing your presentation.

Object Animations

7. Google Slides: Tools and Add-ons

Be sure to check out the add-ons that are built in to Google Slides. These extra tools can often be overlooked and underused.

Spell Checker and Add-ons

8. Google Slides: Giving Your Presentation

There are several different ways to present your slide show. Be sure to review all the various options, features, and tools, for giving your presentation.

Presenting Your Work
Printing Options
Sharing and Collaborating Your Presentation

9. Google Slides: Conclusion

Be sure to watch this video to learn how to obtain your CPE credit for this course. Also consider leaving us a review--we love to reward our learners for reviewing and rating our courses!

Conclusion, CPE Credit, Review, Rate, and Rewatch!

10. Take the Quiz

Take this quiz to demonstrate your mastery of the material. Pass the quiz with an 80% or higher to complete the Course, earn your Certificate, and win points!

Course Participation


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Royalwise CPE Certificate